Inclusion in the Boathouse – Rowing for All?
Ready, Row! USA #83
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Inclusion in the Boathouse: Rowing for All?
How do we mobilize as a rowing community to make our sport more accessible to a wider range of communities, financial resources, and physical abilities? We found some folks with good, practical suggestions and best practices.
- Coach Richard Butler, former ED at 3 Rivers Rowing, former USRowing DEI chief and a member of USR’s freshly minted DEI Committee.
- Tara Morgan & Rachel Freedman of the Steady State Network, and organizers of the upcoming “Inclusive Coaching Toolkit Summit,” a global Zoom event on Oct. 3. Morgan is also founder of Seize the Oar Foundation, which advocates for access and inclusion in rowing.
- Michelle Sosa, Hydrow Athlete & HOCR Gold Cup Fund ambassador.
- Charlotte Pierce, producer/host – Pierce Press
- See Ready, Row! USA archives 2018-2020 on Rowing Chat and Rowing Chat Sponsors
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