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Learn-to-Row Day, June 5, 2021

Ready, Row! USA #91

Catch the livestream recording on our YouTube channel & subscribe on your favorite podcast apps:

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“Rowing is a sport for dreamers. As long as you put in the work, you can own the dream.” – Jim Dietz, Olympic athlete & coach

Guest: Tara Morgan, Seize the Oar Foundation & Steady State Network

Get ready to rock ‘n row – and get into a sport that can take you from age 12 to 90 and beyond! It is never too early or too late to take up this low-impact, energizing, and remarkably social sport.

In this pop-up podcast, you’re in for a treat – Tara Morgan is one of the most enthusiastic Learn-to-Row (LTR) advocates we know! If this episode doesn’t make you want to hop in a boat, we’ll eat our oars!

The 20th National Learn to Row Day will be held on Saturday, June 5, 2021, at rowing clubs and in health clubs throughout the United States.