ROWAPALOOZA – Celebrating 3 years & 100 episodes!
Ready, Row! USA #100-#106
ROWAPALOOZA: A rolling series of livestreams & podcasts celebrating our 3rd year and 100th episode since 2018!

Rowapalooza #7: “Row For Your Life!”
Finishing up our 3-year/100 episode celebration and kicking off one of our topic themes for 2022 are fitness experts Nick Karwoski of Hydrow and Tagalong With A Pro & Blake Gourley from the Science of Rowing. Spokane River Rowing member Marnie Schroer joins to give her person-in-the-boat perspective on physical rehab and the reality of fitness for masters rowers. Click here for the Science of Rowing presentation.

Rowapalooza #6: “Meet the Makers”
In this episode on rowing manufacturing, Ali Abrams of JL Racing and Fabio Selvig of Resolute Racing/SykesUSA take a frank look at the near- and long-term outlook for makers of rowing shells, equipment, clothing, and accessories. Abrams and Selvig also examine how the current environment in manufacturing trickles down to individual rowers in terms of availability, price, and quality.
NOTE: Resolute/Sykes, Burnham Boat, GoodInklings Web Design, and The Wave Rowing are Ready, Row! USA advertisers & sponsors. We don’t just take anyone as a sponsor; they are thoroughtly vetted and we use their products. Please consider patronizing them!

Rowapalooza #5: “New & Different Strokes”
How to widen access to rowing and create a shared experience of this sport with the potential to change lives? Matt Zatorski of Seattle Scullers and activist-about-rowing and William Goldenstein, founder of the new North Shore Maritime Center, have rolled up their sleeves and taken up this challenge in very real, practical, and effective ways.

Rowapalooza #4: “Customer Service Hall of Fame”
Premiere cohort for the new Ready, Row! USA Hall of Fame includes NKSports. represented by Joe Racosky; Burnham Boat Slings represented by CEO Peter Kermond; and Rachel Freedman’s RowSource apparel company – a range of small- to medium-sized companies serving the rowing community who’ve built customer service into the DNA of their organizations.

Rowapalooza #3: “My Rowing Life”
These folks have figured out how to work rowing into nearly every aspect of their lives. Tom Siddall, Angelica Greene, and Ryan Worth do “all the things” in rowing – from coaching and more coaching, to accessories manufacturing, to boat transport, rowing travel, learn-to-row, advocating for inclusion, rowing boat sales, boat repair, umpiring & organizing at regattas.

Rowapalooza #2: “Great Rowing Clubs”
What makes a great rowing club? This episode brought together Aquil Abdullah, Olympic rower, now an athlete and software engineer at Hydrow, and Steward of the Henley Royal Regatta; and Olympic athlete & longtime coach Jim Dietz and Northeastern & Coast Guard Academy rower Mark Wilson; Mark & Jim are co-founders of All-American Rowing Camp.

Rowapalooza #1: Rowing Resilience”
Who helped you get through the pandemic lockdowns & shutdowns? Guests Ruth Marr (Rowing the World); Matthew Lacey (Exec. Director, Rowing Industry Trade Assn.); Ami Mehr (Race Director, Head of the Charles Regatta) discussed how vendors, rowers, and rowing services have been dealing with and are emerging from pandemic; building community between rowers and vendors; and the return and future changes to the venerable Head of the Charles.
Thanks for joining our celebration – but wait – there’s more!
- Catch the replays on our YouTube channel, Facebook, or LinkedIn.
- Listen, subscribe, & review on your favorite podcast apps; and
- Watch this space for special offers from our guests & sponsors!