This Girl rows…and rows…
Season 5, Episode 24
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For more on ocean rowing, we invite you to check out our 4-part Ocean Rowing series. Also listen, subscribe & review on your favorite podcast apps. We’re on ’em all! Jason Cottingham hosts our ocean rowing series.

The target Lara’s dad set when he was younger was “Aim High”. Don’t look left or right – FOCUS – and aim high. And boy, did she!
Lara Vafiadis took on the Atlantic Challenge row for a few reasons – but a primary aim was to inspire other women and children that if you set your mind to something, you can achieve anything.
Seeing her dad suffer through years of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and everything that goes with cancer treatments – his determination and resilience took on another level and Lara thought to herself – if he can go through all of that, then she can row an ocean for him.
This row was dedicated to Lara’s father for all the times he went “above and beyond.” He passed away on September 14th 2022, so he didn’t get to see Lara finish but she knew he was with her with every oar stroke to Antigua.
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